The Impact of AI on Internet Search Algorithms

And AI-driven search algorithms promise a shift in paradigms for discovering information online, since such AI-assisted algorithms are able to evaluate context and intent when responding to a query.

This technology opens up a huge set of opportunities for more refined SEO strategies – for instance, in content creation and keyword research – but implementation might be a challenge.


Marketing had become much easier, as AI enables marketers to stop shouting into the void of the internet, hoping a few words gets picked up by a search engine spider. Through AI-powered keyword research, narrow long-tail keywords are much easier to find, ranking websites to attract precisely targeted organic traffic.

These advanced artificial intelligence systems can leverage predictive analytics to discover clustering and patterns in mission-critical data, even in the event of algorithmic changes made by search engines to improve SEO. Such lead-ins can quickly prepare businesses to move their engagement strategy ahead of seasonality, shorter lifecycles or other unpredictable events that can destroy a search engine optimisation campaign.

One could argue that AI automation makes human error impossible because automated AI keyword research result in accuracy – every single keyword you choose is on the point and absolutely correct for your target audience, and removes human bias from the research task and therefore from your campaign too because that other person could have used his own native-like judgement to help you out which means bias, while automated AI keyword research stands on its own and are fully to the point. Cool. Interesting. That menal burden eliminated means that you deal with the important, strategic stuff so much more efficiently because you’re not constantly searching for keywords or checking keyword translations,a all sorts. This is part of the SEO strategists stuggle. So say hello to automated AI keyword research and bye bye to human bias!


One of the main benefits of AI is better search. Often voice and image-based search require AI technology to understand the user’s intent to deliver more relevant results. It can also learn from previous search behaviour to serve up more relevant personalised content that will keep people searching.

On the business side, programmes can help marketers build more relevant content and strengthen SEO strategies: an AI-happy marketer could use an AI tool to optimise her meta descriptions, title tags and create new keywords that will help boost a business in search engine rankings. An AI marketer could also use the tool to personalise the content on a business website (for instance, provide more relevant content to the specific visitor). From the perspective of any business, the bottom line is that AI can help improve organic rankings and in turn start bringing more qualified traffic to a website.

But SEOs shouldn’t rely too heavily on AI to rank. Although AI-powered search would be able to provide SEOs with some support with keyword research, quality content is still the key to ranking and adapting strategy to random keyword fluctuations that AI would introduce wouldn’t be as straightforward as it is at the moment (attempting to understand the differences makes my brain hurt). This would probably mean that ranking fluctuations would be even more volatile, so SEOs would be constantly having to adapt their strategy by looking at wider topics or pages.

Link building

As an AI tool, the search engine can now attune itself to what the user is searching for, and deliver content matched to that goal — more important than the actual keywords picked out.

Google’s RankBrain applies machine learning to interrogate internet archives and work out the meaning of strange or ambiguous search words, and amend SERP accordingly – making search more accurate, while improving user experience.

Simply ask a question in human-sounding text Then, type in whatever you were looking for, and generative AI software such as ChatGPT will craft a response to your looking-glass query, drawing on information from across the web. The results may affect how people browse the web, but many researchers have reservations about the opacity of sources, the potential for hallucinated answers, and copyright concerns.

But AI technology certainly holds the potential to totally revolutionise the way search engines work, how we surf the web, to create more and more relevant and personalised content and to automate meaningless tasks, driving tactics and providing valuable insights for an SEO strategy – as long as the marketers and the SEO specialists are at the wheel.


As search engines become more AI-powered, and hence are better able to provide direct answers in SERP without sending users off to sites, we might see an increase in zero-click behaviour for informational queries that can be adequately answered with AI-powered SEO tools like Google Search Engine Enhanced (SGE). In this instance, the job of SEOs is to become increasingly aligned with user intent, with providing consumers with content of value.

One of the main benefits of artificial intelligence-driven search results is the ability to develop highly customised queries based on traffic, location, time of day and device. All of these factors, overwhelmingly, replace bland generics with keywords that speak to these audiences individually, and, through localised optimisation, truly resonate.

This volatility makes it more difficult to maintain a desired position in the search rankings for a keyword. What’s more, given the aggressiveness of AI-powered search, keyword positioning is not a relevant metric on which to base marketing efforts. Marketers shouldn’t be tracking individual keywords any more than you should look at the position of a ship on your GPS app to figure out where you are headed. But rather than fixing on the theoretical goal of improving individual keywords, marketers should be benchmarking their performance against the pages that support the conversion of their targeted goals – a more fluid approach that requires a more robust analytics environment.

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